Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Learning Styles Project

Learning Styles Project - TL 466

A.) I took the test from the website published by North Carolina State University. The test measured 4 different categories of learning and the two different results for each category of learning; an either-or consequence. The categories were Active/Reflective, Sensing/Intuitive, Visual/Verbal, and Sequential/Global Learners. The graph was then broken down onto a scale one way or the other, with 1-3 being fairly well balanced, 5-7 a moderate preference, and a 9-11 would be considered a very strong preference for a certain style of learning.

Active learners prefer to break down the activity or learning at hand by becoming involved, while a reflective learner likes to quietly think of the task or idea first. Sensing learners use facts and dates to learn and Intuitive learners like to seek connections and possibilities to learn. Visual learners tend to prefer diagrams and graphs to accompany their learning while Verbal learners learn better in spoken or written word. Sequential learners tend to use step-by-step process to solve a problem or idea, while Global learners learn a large amount of an idea quickly but cannot always see the connections between ideas.


B.) Results for: Matt Melka
11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11
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11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11
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11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11
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11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11
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My results show that I don’t have a preference between being an active or reflective learner, which makes sense because there are some topics I don’t mind jumping right in and discussing, and other ideas I like to reflect upon before saying something. I tend to have a moderate preference for intuitive learning meaning I like to see connections between ideas and concepts. I also have a moderate preference for visual learning and sequential learning. I agree with my results and what I have learned is that I do like to order my thinking in a process, as a checklist and by using visual aids to organize my thoughts, sometimes just writing down notes.

C.) By understanding my own thinking and learning I can better apply it to my own students and better understand how they would interpret my teaching.How I see this project helping my future teaching and lessons plan is that I can try to find a balance between the different learning methods and make sure to accommodate all students’ learning styles. By giving students both opportunities to reflect and be active in a discussion is a way that both learning styles can be incorporated. By allowing the active students to jump right into a discussion or debate, and allow the reflective learners to think about what’s been said before they decide to join the discussion. Sensing and intuitive learners might be more difficult to balance, but by allowing those that need dates to have them and those that need to understand what those dates stand for you can supply them with the stories behind them. Verbal and visual learners tends to be the greatest rift between two styles, though easily managed by providing an illustration or a graph/chart and include a summary so both parties can both learn to their full potential. The difference between global and sequential learners could also be solved with a flow chart so those that need order can have order, but those that want the big picture and little details later they can also use the flow chart to their advantage. By being able to make sure you try to balance both sides of a learning style you can make sure that no student feels left out.

-Matt Melka